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Archive for May 1st, 2009

I saw this banner heading in a recent Brands Essence of Chicken advertisement in the local Star. Yes, this statement is so true.


Whether we are adults reading a business report or a child studying for school, what matters at the end of the day is how much we absorb.


Here we are only going to talk about children and their studies.


Parents have a dilemma. They know this statement is true, but how do the parents check how much the child has absorbed of his or her studies. The school report card is the usual way. However the report cards come out 2 or 3 times a year. This may be insufficient for the busy parent to track the academic progress of a child.


The other way is to set tests for the kids. Then grade the tests and keep track of the progress. This requires a significant investment in time on the part of the parents.


Now Score A has an easy and price effective solution!


eReport Cards are an integral part of the Score A online study and examination portal.


view of eReport card


The eReport Cards are available for both the student and the parent to view. From this screen, the parent can see:-


         The date the questions were answered,

         The School level, i.e. Standard 4 or Form 3,

         The Exam type, eTopic, eAssessment, Past Year Questions or eTrial Exams,

         The subject,

         the Topic, i.e. the chapter of the subject,

         The paper sat for, i.e. Set 1 or 2 or 3

         The time the student took to complete the paper,

         The marks the student obtained and

         If necessary, to be able to review all the answers or only the wrong answers.


This detailed information remains in the database of the Company’s servers, so the parent does not even have to save or print or anything like that. It is updated immediately and can be seen at anytime, 24/7.


Overtime the parent would be easily able to see the progress of his or her child. Further assistance can be arranged for the child once the parent is aware of where the shortcomings are.


The eReport Card lists out all these details in chronological order, daily.


The eProgress Report one the other hand, first summarises by month. This can be expanded to show the details. We shall talk about the eProgress part in subsequent posts. 


As a parent of 3 still school going children, I have found tremendous value in using Score A. My children, too, prefer this mode of online study and testing as opposed to books and pens.


I urge all parents, who see the need to assist their school going children to excel in their studies to look at Score A. I am sure they will not regret this investment.


Parents who are interested in applying this revolutionary, in line with the current trends educational help system can contact me at or call me at 012 611 0285. Let’s do our best to give our children a better life than we had.


Thank you for reading this post.


May 2009